Write your paper in 3 weeks
In this series of 6 online sessions, walk through a step-by-step process designed to help you write your research paper in 3 weeks, culminating in a complete and professionally-structured draft of your paper ready for feedback from co-authors.
Respond convincingly to peer reviewers
The way you respond to the peer reviewers’ comments about your research paper can make or break your chances of getting it published. This training covers the DOs and DON’Ts of preparing your response and a 10-step strategy (with template) to reduce the angst of this process.
Write a winning application
While strong academic achievements and research ideas are undeniable aspects of successful applications, the way you write about them can make or break your application. This training will help you showcase your achievements and ideas to their best advantage, maximizing your chances of success in your next application.
Captivate your listeners
Learn concrete strategies to talk about your research in clear and engaging ways so your audience responds with expressive eyes, affirmative head nods, and interested questions. This training has a specific focus on elevator pitches and oral conference presentations.
Plan to publish and flourish
If you’re a new researcher and feel unsure about how to build your publication track record, this training will show you how to plan your research and research paper(s) so that you are focussed and efficient in your path to publication success.
Make your writing flow like water
Learn how to recognize writing that doesn’t flow, explain how to fix it, and write in a way that flows from the outset, using five writing techniques that promote flow.
Brush up on essential stats
Confidently progress through the more advanced statistical adventures of your research by getting a rock solid understanding of statistical concepts underlying them. P values, z-scores and more, all explained in everyday language and concrete examples.
Get started with STATA
If you’re new to STATA and don’t know where to start, then this training is for you. This hands-on training, with step-by-step instructions and a fully-functional trial license for STATA software, will give you what you need to confidently start using STATA.
Boost your track record
Learn time-effective ways to engineer impressive successes into your track record, because the main way that prospective employers / promoters / funders judge your future success in research is your past success in research.
Reap the benefits of peer review
Learn techniques to help you undertake full, fast and fair peer review of research papers, enabling you to reap the unexpected benefits of peer review.
Systematically review the literature
If you’re commencing research in a particular field, then reading systematic literature reviews in that field – or doing one yourself if there aren’t any of relevance – is one of the best ways to identify the most pressing gaps in current knowledge in that field. This training will give you a step-by-step overview of how to confidently undertake a systematic literature review.
Jump start your meta-analysis
This hands-on training, with step-by-step instructions and a fully-functional trial license for Stata software, will give you a high-level overview of how to confidently undertake a meta-analysis.
Online trainings
Learn at your own pace, with interactive online training that gives you ultimate flexibility in when and where you learn.