3.6 Apply Techniques F3, F4 and F5 to improve flow between linked paragraphs

In the following text, the Authors have started the second paragraph with a lone linking word (bolded), without telling the reader exactly what the link is. It means you have to pay extra close attention to be able to follow the text.

The vulnerability model employed in this analysis, a bathtub model where we classify all land below a given water height and hydrologically connected to the ocean as exposed to extreme coastal water levels, presents another partial limitation of the study. While this approach is reasonable in indicating land threatened with permanent inundation due to higher sea levels, it tends to overestimate exposure from episodic flooding, especially at small spatial scales. It is likely that hydrodynamic models would predict less vulnerability to one-year floods than we estimate here. Areas accordingly misclassified as exposed to annual flooding would nonetheless likely face relatively frequent inundation risks.

Furthermore, this analysis assumes a static coastal topography, with the exception of a linear model of vertical land motion implicit in the sea-level projections used. Erosion, wetland migration/accretion, and other morphological processes are not considered. It is difficult to predict how these factors affect the uncertainty of our results, especially since sea-level change may trigger complex process responses. However, we note that armored, developed, and maintained shorelines in urban areas, where vulnerable populations are concentrated, may generally be less susceptible to such factors than undeveloped land.

Kulp SA and Strauss BH Nature Communications 2019 New elevation data triple estimates of global vulnerability to sea-level rise and coastal flooding

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

To make it easier for readers to follow the text, I would have added extra words to explain exactly what is meant by ‘Furthermore’.

A further limitation of this analysis is the assumption of a static coastal topography, with the exception of a linear model of vertical land motion implicit in the sea-level projections used.

That way, the reader can see within the first 9 (6) words of the sentence exactly what is the link with the preceding text (Technique F4), and the subject and verb are also included in those 9 (7) words (Technique F5).

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