1.7 Format your paper’s scaffold in ready for submission to your chosen journal

When it comes to starting a challenging project, an excellent maxim is to ‘begin with the end in mind’, as Stephen Covey said in his famous book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

To that end, it can be helpful to begin your research paper by formatting its scaffold in a way that resembles the finished document you’ll be sending to your chosen journal.

While different journals have different formatting instructions, as outlined in their Instructions to Authors, the following downloadable template contains formatting that’s common to a number of journals, and which can facilitate review by co-authors or peer reviewers.

Use the following template in the preparation of your paper, and it’s likely that you’ll only need to make minor formatting changes prior to submission to your chosen journal (or resubmission to an alternate journal).

Photo by Gary Sandoz on Unsplash

Click here to download the document

