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Get started with STATA

This 2-hour, hands-on training, with step-by-step instructions and a fully-functional trial license for STATA software, will give you a high-level overview of how to confidently start using STATA.

This tour of STATA will cover the following topics:

  • STATA and its advantages
  • STATA windows, menus, commands
  • Basic data reporting and descriptive statistics
  • Data saving, importing, exporting and manipulating
  • Basic graphing commands
  • The do-files

Who is this training for?

People who have very little or no knowledge of STATA.

If you are already fairly familiar with STATA, then this training is not appropriate for you. 

Training prerequisite

This training assumes that you’ve undertaken some training in basic statistics, either during the final year of high school and/or during the first year of tertiary education, regardless of how long ago that may be. If you’d like a refresher session prior to this training, you may like to register for our training to help you Brush up on essential stats.

What you need at the training

A computer with STATA software already installed on it. We will send registrants a license key to a fully-functional trial of STATA software before the training, with clear instructions on how to download and install it on their computer.